Closed for the season

Site Policies


 Site Policies:

Snow Maze 

  • Hours may change depending on the weather - check the home page for daily updates...we close at -27 ambient temperatures.
  • Dress for success! 
  • Dress in your full winter gear: winter boots, ski pants, winter jacket, balaclava/neck warmer, toque, winter mitts, and a face covering...especially important if it is windy.
  • Toboggan/Luge and climb at your own risk.
  • We have toboggans & snow tubes for you to use for tobogganing @ Snow Mountain.
  • Please bring your own sleigh for pulling young children thru the maze.
  • Stroller and wheelchairs unfortunately do not work in the snow, therefore, it is best to bring along a sleigh to pull them in.
  • It is a winter venue made of snow, therefore, walking conditions may be uneven or slippery.  Please wear appropriate footwear and be mindful of your steps.
  • There are extra exits out of the Snow Maze, exit out, and walk around the perimeter of the maze...That is the easiest way back.
  • Washrooms available
  • Indoor area available for warm up and our concessions
  • emergencies call: 204-955-0906
  • no animals permitted
  • no alcohol or drugs permitted
  • no smoking inside the venue
  • sleighs stays outside of the Pumpkin Barn. Therefore, it best to put your name on your sleigh. 
  • We have worked very hard to provide a creative outdoor venue for you.
    • Please enjoy & look at the snow sculptures...avoid touching them as it wears down the structure.
    • enjoy your hot chocolate & beverages outside of the Snow Maze, not in the maze with the sculptures ~ thank you.

 ~ Thank you for your cooperation ~


Corn Maze  

  • No pets or personal therapy dogs allowed. 
  • No smoking within the property.  Smoking will be permitted at your vehicle or at a picnic table by the parking lot.
  • No alcohol or drugs allowed on the property
  • Please stay on the Corn Maze paths.
  • Bring a flashlight for the Night time visits to light your path
  • It is a living maze ~ Cutting thru the corn breaks it and we can not fix it. 
  • Hands off the corn for your safety, the corn leaves are sharp and will give you a bad paper cut.
  • Corn cobs are to stay on the stalk - not to be thrown in the air.  violators will be ask to leave immediately for the safety of others.  
  • Please respect the animals at the petting zoo - please stay to the front of them and pet them gently.
  • Wash hands after visiting the petting zoo
  • Children under 5 must be directly supervised to ensure gentle interactions with the animals
  • Pony riders must be 4 years and older
  • If it rains, the trails turn to mud, rubber boots are recommended
  • The corn maze closes due to inclement weather, please check the home page for daily updates
  • The grounds are natural terrain: gravel, dirt, and grass. 
  • The grounds are wheelchair accessible when dry and smooth.  Unfortunately, not when they are muddy.
  • sorry, no costumes or Halloween masks allowed
  • There are easy exits at the perimeter of the Maze, exit out, and walk around the perimeter of the maze.  That is the easiest way back.
  • Inclement weather may change the availability of the horse activities
  • Emergencies call: 204-955-0906

~ Thank you for your cooperation ~